3 Reasons To Avoid Repairing Your Own Water Heater in Calhoun, KY

A broken water heater can pose an extreme inconvenience, especially as the weather begins to get cooler. These difficulties and the cost of professional repair or replacement might tempt you to take a crack at fixing it on your own. For the following reasons, this would be a deeply unwise thing for all homeowners in Calhoun, KY to try to do.

1. Hot Water

Hot steam and scalding water flow through water heaters’ tubing all the time, and if you try to take one apart without knowing what you’re doing, the chances are very high that you’ll sustain burns. The risk will become greater the more complex the repairs that your water heater requires since you will have to examine, assemble and disassemble more components. It is much more prudent to call a trained professional when problems arise.

2. Handling Electricity

Water heaters run on electricity, meaning that water heater repair, installation and maintenance will all likely involve having to manipulate or establish electrical connections. Unless you have the skills to handle this, the probability is overwhelmingly high that you will sustain an electric shock if you try any of these things. For the sake of your safety, don’t try them.

3. Risks to Your Warranty

Water heaters typically come with manufacturer warranties that vary in length. These are extremely useful if your unit should incur any kind of catastrophic damage. However, these warranties often have an exemption clause for any damage done to the water heater if you try to repair it on your own.

There’s no need to subject yourself to unnecessary danger and risk. If your water heater needs repair, just call E&M Heating, Plumbing & Air Conditioning in Calhoun, KY, and ask for our water heater services.

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